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I've been musing on my age. Not in a mournful way but choosing to embrace some of the changes the passing years bring.

changing leaves

In the last few weeks I've noted the early signs of the forthcoming season in the hedgerows and verges, and been drawing parallels. If I consider the cycle of life to equate to the four seasons then I am firmly in my autumn.

Everywhere there are small developments; leaf colours altering, outlines crisping, decay advancing. These changes are beautiful in close-up. Purples and reds appear, tall stems bleach and display their downy seedheads, bug-eaten lacework glows.

purple leaf edges

purple leaf edges

red dock leaf

It's a busy environment full of moths and spiderwebs, stripey snails and still a few butterflies. Lots to celebrate as I wander the lanes with Bruce.


lacy leaf

downy seedheads

My autumn years are made of individual days which are colourful, busy, varied and happy. There are of course the headachey ones, the frustrating and disappointing ones, the sad or self-doubting ones too but these make the good days, hours, minutes all the sweeter.

mossy growth

And yes, my views may be rose-tinted on this sunny morning. They may also be coloured by what we all lost and gained during the pandemic. But I choose to believe I have mellowed, and continue to be grateful that I am able to derive pleasure from so many simple sources. 

Never stop looking and wondering!

Comments: 3 (Add)

Maura on September 1 2023 at 09:44

Beautiful photos . We can "look" but it takes an extra moment to actually "see" and absorb our wonderful changing hedgerows. Nature is amazing. When they can I see the bees are out on the ivy flowers gathering nectar and our brambles are ready for picking, but not quite yet the sloes, they need to be left till after the first frost. Then time to make sloe gin ready for Christmas!

Nancy on August 23 2023 at 15:29

Beautiful photos! Yes, it’s turning. I love this time of year, this time of life.

liz lawrie on August 22 2023 at 18:04

Ach, you're just getting started.


Sunshine on a rainy day -  a little Wednesday windowsill to brighten up this very March weather
There’s a whole long bare-twig hawthorn hedge near me with this one enthusiastic early bloomer. Either very brave or rather foolhardy…😳
My Woolgathering at Winton purchases, sitting rather nicely together.
Two richly coloured @pacesvilnasfabrika 4ply skeins from the lovely @balticknits and a crocheted necklace by Carole @hookedbydesign
It’s a grey morning here but the sun shone yesterday so here’s a little Wednesday windowsill to encourage a brighter day…
All set for sample stitching by the fire 
A new kit in the works
Sunday eve:
Fire lit, 
knitting at the ready. 
I’m all set for The Great Pottery Throw Down🤗
🧶A heap of handknitted hats on their way to @operation_christmas_stocking next weekend. 

I’m planning to visit @wool_gathering_at_winton on Saturday as there’s a great line-up of stall holders in a lovely venue and I can deliver the hats to the OCS collection point.

These simple knits have suited my limited powers of concentration this winter. They’ve helped me use up leftover yarns to make genuinely useful items which will ultimately be distributed to those in real need of warmth and care. 

Win Win Win 🤗
☀️Last day of February
A day of promise and birdsong


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