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Gentle shades
Stitch inspiration
Making plans
Monday’s plan
Computery work first, then stitching in the sitooterie.
Solstice sunshine!
A wee Wednesday windowsill featuring a Degenhart glass owl in my favourite shade. A very generous recent gift from a lovely lady.
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I’ve just removed these sheets from a heavy book so they’re nicely flat again. Quality leaf placement and brush skills! The results of a fun workshop with Sunshine @atbirkhillhousecic  a couple of weeks ago.
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Sunday afternoon stitching
In my other favourite colours
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Breakfasted and now hanging out with friends. The full complement - pheasant, duck, squizzel, carrot and frog. 
Life lesson: be more Bruce
I did finish my simple cowl where I let the yarns do all the talking. Delicious dyeing by @casserlyalison and wool/silk hand spinning by OB at @handspinnerskye . Yarns held together to produce this rich blend of highland landscape (in my eyes) shades. 

Bottom right is a more accurate representation than top right pic.


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