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All hand dyed
The smooth fine silks are approximately equivalent thickness to No 10 cotton perle
Fuchsia - a deep bright pink - 2ply - 25 yards - 100% silk
Satsuma - a soft warm orange - 2ply - 25 yards - 100% silk
Indigo - a sky blue shade - 2ply - 25 yards - 100% silk
Gold - a soft gold - 2ply - 25 yards - 100% silk
The semi solid slubby silks are thicker - see image showing them side by side
Washed Pink - 2 ply - 25 yards - 100% silk
Washed Blue - 2 ply - 25 yards - 100% silk
Any of these skeins may leach a little dye. Please consider pre-soaking skeins in warm water to remove residual dye.